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2023-08-26 02:15:21    互联网

1、Innocence吉他谱艾薇儿 原 调: E 选 调: E 变调夹: 不夹曲谱文字:小 中 大

1、Verse 1:

2、Waking Up I See That Everything Is Ok


3、The First Time In My Life And Now It’s So Great

4、Slowing Down I Look Around And I Am So Amazed

5、I Think About The Little Things That Make Life Great


7、I Wouldn’t Change A Thing About It

8、This Is The Best Feeling

9、Chorus 1:

10、This Innocence Is Brilliant, I Hope That It Will Stay

11、A E B #cm

12、This Moment Is Perfect, Please Don’t Go Away, I Need You Now

13、And I’ll Hold On To It, Don’t You Let It Pass You By

14、Verse 2:

15、I Found A Place So Safe, Not A Single Tear

16、The First Time In My Life And Now It’s So Clear

17、Feel Calm I Belong, I’m So Happy Here

18、It’s So Strong And Now I Let Myself Be Sincere


20、I Wouldn’t Change A Thing About It

21、This Is The Best Feeling

22、(repeat Chorus)


24、It’s The State Of Bliss You Think You’re Dreaming

25、It’s The Happiness Inside That You’re Feeling

26、It’s So Beautiful It Makes You Want To Cry



29、It’s So Beautiful It Makes You Want To Cry

30、Chorus 2:

31、This Innocence Is Brilliant, It Makes You Want To Cry

32、A E B #cm

33、This Moment Is Perfect, Please Don’t Go Away, I Need You Now

34、And I’ll Hold On To It, Don’t You Let It Pass You By

35、(repeat Chorus 1 And Intro)



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